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Sports Injury Clinic in Manchester

Who We Meet At This Manchester Sports Injury Clinic

As chiropractors, the team at Manchester Chiropractors are helping clients daily with the problems frequently generated by our lifestyle, they can be work related and neck pain and back pain are typical of the requests for help that they receive. But many patients also seek assistance with the results of their interest in keeping fit and healthy in the pursuit of self care! Both professional and amateur sports men and women and those that work out at the gym, suffer sports related injuries. But it is not always just the more obvious causes such as those felt by marathon runners or those involved in contact sports who are treated. Becausea sports injury specialist in Manchester may meet horse riders who experience low back pain from the repetitive high impactinvolved in the nature of their sport, or golfers who develop injuries all because of poor posture in their golf swing, too!

Take your time to build up your stamina

Here at this sports injury clinic in central Manchester, we have to say that those clients who have incurredthe most common injuries are the runners. Over the past couple of decades, runninghas becomethe form of physical activity that most take up in their get fit regime. It may be a personal decision to get off the couch and events such as Park Run seem like the ideal opportunity. Little investment is neededexcept a quality pair of running trainers, and it is in fact here that those who do not get the best shoes may initiate their problems. It is a great work out but as with all activities take it slowly. Don’t allow your new found motivation to carry you away! Because running can be tough on the body, especially in the early stages! The impact from running may see you booking online or calling to book for treatment at this Sports Injury Clinic in Manchester.

If injury happens then our Chiros are here to help

Whether you are a regular runner, even in the elite class, or out for that fun run, no one can always avoid an injury. At the clinicour team sees patients suffering from ankle, knee. back and shoulder issues. Your Consultation will uncover the root causes for your discomfort, the Report of Findings will give you and your chiropractor the chance to discuss what is wrong and the way forward to getting you fit again, plus advice on how to avoid common injuries in the future. Then your following appointment will be for adjustment that will set you on the path to recovery. No matter your sport or activity, we are confident that hands-on spinal adjustment can rectify the cause of your joint pain working alongside an exercise programme. We aim to get you fit and make you more resilient to injury in the future.

Looking for a chiropractor?

You will be looking for a chiropractor who will assess your problem and answer all of your questions. Empathise and guide you towards understanding your treatment plan.

british chiropractic association
general chiropractic council
world spine care