slip disc treatment in Northern Quarter Manchester

We all Talk About A Slipped Disc – But Wwhat Is It?

When we have a bad back so many of us immediately label it as a slipped disc, without any specialist knowledge or knowing what the phrase actually means! It is just something that people say! A slipped disc, when properly diagnosedduring your slip disc treatment in Northern Quarter Manchester with one of our chiropractors,is really a prolapsed or herniated disc.That is when the soft cushion of tissue, the intervertebral disc that cushions each vertebra(the bones in your spine) bulges outwards from its usual position. It causes pain, often in the lower back,because the bulge then presses on nerves in the affected region. Slipped disc treatments in Manchester will give you the relief that you need.

Understanding what has gone wrong

The discs are just like shock absorbers in a car which soak up the bumps and the impact from an unexpected pothole perhaps! Or the advanced cushioning construction in a top end pair of trainers, which are especially designed to take up that impact as an athlete runs.So, the intervertebral disks act as shock absorbers when you or I are walking or running.When either due to wear and tear, or a sudden injury, the discmaybulge, this is called a disc prolapse, pressing and inflaming the nerve roots nearby.If the jellylike substance at its centre pushes against its outer ring and begins to leak, this not only squeezes the associated nerves,but chemicals are released which irritate and cause further inflammation. This in turn cases the pain, numbness, and weakness in one or both legs, which we know as sciatica. When painkillers and anti-inflammatories have failed to alleviate it then it is time to seek slipped disc treatments in Northern Quarter Manchester! Sooner rather than later in fact!

Make an appointment for true long-term pain relief

Consulting with your practitioner, he will diagnose whether you require manual manipulation for a prolapsed disc treatment in Northern Quarter Manchester to relieve the pain and allow the disc to revert to its correct position. When you have a slipped disc, pain treatment in Manchester is at the top of your wish list as it can be extremely debilitating. Following diagnosis and your report, treatment can begin on your prolapsed disc treatment in Manchester City Centre, and this is available seven days a week as we know it is a matter of urgency for you.

Our caring team

Whether you are coming for prolapsed disc treatment in Manchester, or foranother musculoskeletal problem, you will find this chiropractic team will show professional and caring concern for your situation. They deal with slipped disc treatments in Manchester City Centre every day, so you can be confident that they have the experience and the expertise for your slip disc treatment in Manchester without question.

By taking time and assessing the problem rather than simply prescribing pain killers, a chiro appointment for a slip disc treatment in Manchester City Centre can be the start of yourreturn to full health.

Looking for a chiropractor?

You will be looking for a chiropractor who will assess your problem and answer all of your questions. Empathise and guide you towards understanding your treatment plan.