Initial Chiropractic Consultation, examination, report, 1 Adjustment with Follow Up Free 50 Mins Swedish Massage NOW £29.95 SAVE £170.05 £29.95 ONLY BOOK NOW!

New Patient

Welcoming you to Manchester Chiropractors,
we want you to feel relaxed!

We fully understand that you may be feeling tense on your first visit to Manchester Chiropractors because you are in pain and perhaps this is the first time that you have sought the help of chiropractic services. There is no need to feel reserved or even anxious. Our professional staff will help you with the Treatment Form which is required as in all healthcare practices. When you are ready you will be guided through to the Chiro Room into the safe hands of our Registered Chiropractor. Everything is done to make you feel at ease. 

Some clients who are in pain when they visit us, or indeed those with a complex medical history, may prefer to complete the Treatment Form online at home. Naturally we want things to be as easy and convenient as possible for you, so you can complete the form and send to us before your appointment or complete it at the clinic. Whichever is easiest for you. Alternatively, you may be most comfortable printing off the forms, filling them in by hand, and bringing them with you as a hard copy. 

Please allow adequate time to complete the form in the clinic if you so choose, by arriving approximately 15 minutes before your treatment time.


Looking for a chiropractor?

You will be looking for a chiropractor who will assess your problem and answer all of your questions. Empathise and guide you towards understanding your treatment plan.

british chiropractic association
general chiropractic council
world spine care